Radiant beauty with fresh and youthfool appearance

A groomed appearanece strengthen the self estimation

Beautiful aging woman with elastic and fresh skin
A groomed appearance strengthens our self estimation and increases the quality of life  (Quelle). Sufficient sleep, a balanced diet and regular drinking habits can do a lot of good the the skin. Additional three are nutricosmetics which support your appearance. Conventional cosmetics are externally applied. As nutricosmetics are food supplements  (collagen, collagen peptides). These act from inside and support that way skin, nails and hair. When choosing a product it should be payed attention if scientific data are available of it. As these examine a potential efficacy. That way you can enjoy a radiant beauty and a fresh appearance.

Nutricosmetics for an elastic and fresh skin

The skin can be supported by bioactif nutricosmetics from inside out. These deploy their effect in the lower skin layers. Nutricosmetics stimulate the collagen production of the skin. Thus the skin increase in elasticity.  Results are visible in form of wrinkle reduction. Consequently you ensure a radiant beauty with skincare from inside.  Effects of bioactif collagen petides have extensively investigated by scientists  (Verisol®). The effect has been documented for different situations (e.g. wrinkles, cellulits). Summarized these studies see a reduction of wrinkles, more skin elasticy and an increased collagen content leading to a smoother skin. 1-4.
Skin profile without wrinkles with Verisol

Hair and nails take adavantage of collagen

Schöne starke Fingernägel
As well hair and nails take advantage of the collagen supply. Positive effects are observed in studies. Quality of finger nails has been significantly improved5. The nails grow faster, are more regular and less brittle. When looking to hair a positive effect of bioactive collagen peptides has been observed. The hair become thicker and less brittle. 6,
49.90 CHF incl. VAT
  • For an elastic skin
  • Natural building blocks for skin, hair & nails
  • With collagen VERISOL®
69.90 CHF inkl. MWST
  • Für eine elastische Haut
  • Natürliche Baustein für Haut, Haare & Nägel
  • Mit Kollagen Verisol® & Biotin
  • Mango – Orange Geschmack
  • 1 Drink pro Tag


  1. Knefeli HC, Durani B ‘Improved wound healing after oral application of specific bioactive collagen peptides’ Nutrafoods 2017: 9-12
  2. Schunck M et al. ‘Dietary Supplementation with specific collagen peptides has a body mass index-dependent beneficial effect on cellulite morphology’ 2015; J Med Food 2015; 18 (12): 1340-1348
  3. Proksch E et al. ‘Oral Intake of Specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides Reduces Skin Wrinkles and Increases Dermal Matrix Synthesis’ Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2014; 27: 113-119
  4. Proksch E et al. ‘Oral Supplementation of Specific Collagen Peptides Has Beneficial Effects on Human Skin Physiology: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study’ Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2014; 27: 47-55
  5. Hexsel D. et al. ‘Oral supplementation with specific bioactive collagen peptides improves nail growth and reduces symptoms of brittle nails’ J Cosmet Dermatol. 2017; 16(4): 520-526
  6. Oesser S ‘The oral intake of specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides has a positive effect on hair thickness’ Nutrafoods 2020; 1: 134-138