Our concept

Building blocks from nature to keep quality of life

The scope of BELLAPUR is to keep quality of life at a high level with the support of specific food supplements. Quality of life means freedom in choices, freedom of movement, self estimation and keep normal physical structure. All the building block given by nature shall support us in reaching these goals and have physical well being. We strive in looking fort he correct building blocks for specific situaiton. Within this process we attached great importance in proper research and publication of specific data. Thus you will find many scientific data on our products.
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Fight arthrosis while aging

Quality of life with increasing age

Mobility is freedom and independence. Unfortunately mobility is being reduced with the age as muscle performance is reducing 1,2. In addition it might be that mineralisation of our bones decreases having an impact on our life quality. To counteract to this phenomenon physical activity is key. Specific food supplements can as well support to keep mobility at high level and even reduce risks3,4 .

Qualtiy of life in sports

Freedom of movement is dependent of a healthy muskoskeletal system. Therefore are healthy ligaments, bones and cartilage essential. Furthermore, we want to train our muscles to specific performance, based on the sports activity. These can be reached by regular physical activity respectively specific training. Additional intake of food supplements, at those of BELLAPUR, might support sports activities. From one side preserving normal muskoskeletal structure3,4,5,6,7, and from an other side it might support muscle development4.
Fitte Gelenke und Bänder beim Sport
Weniger falten Verisol

Quality of life thanks to external appearance

It can be observed, tha sking aging starts at a certain age as wrinkles start to form and skin reduces elasticity and tension8. The subcutaneous fat tissue layer becames thinner and fat as water content of skin are reduced9. A healthy life style might slow this process. In addition, the specific food supplement QYRA® acts there were the skin need it the most – in the deep layers, were external agents as e.g. crèmes do not have effect. It has been observed, that the specific collagen peptides of QYRA® act in the deetp layer reducing wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity10-12.


  1. Wang C, Bai L ‘Sarcopenia in the elderly: basic and clinical issues.’ Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2012 12, 388–396.
  2. Walston JD ‘Sarcopenia in older adults.’ Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2012, 24, 623–627.
  3. König D, Oesser S, Scharla S, Zdzieblik D, Gollhofer A ‘Specific Collagen Peptides Improve Bone Mineral Density and Bone Markers in Postmenopausal Women—A Randomized Controlled Study ’ Nutrients 2018, 10, 97
  4. Zdzieblik D, Oesser S, Baumstark MW, Gollhofer A, König D ‘Collagen peptide supplementation in combination with resistance training improves body composition and increases muscle strength in elderly sarcopenic men: a randomised controlled trial. ‘ . Br J Nutr. 2015 Oct 28;114(8):1237-45. doi: 10.1017/S0007114515002810.
  5. Gonçalves FK. Impact of collagen hydrolysate in middle-aged athletes with knee and ankle osteochondral lesions: A case series. Int J Case Rep Images 2017;8(6):364–369.
  6. Clark KL, Sebastianelli W, Flechsenhar KR, Aukermann DF, Meza F, Millard RL, Deitch JR, Sherbondy PS, Albert A ‘24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain.’ Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2008; Vol. 24 (5); 1485–1496
  7. Dressler P, Gehring D, Zdzieblik D, Oesser S, Golhofer A, König D ‘Improvement of Functional Ankle Properties Following Supplementation with Specific Collagen Peptides in Athletes with Chronic Ankle Instability’ Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2018) 17, 298-304
  8. J Krutmann, T L Diepgen, C Billmann-Krutmann. Hautalterung: Grundlagen – Prävention – Therapie. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 200
  9. https://www.stern.de/gesundheit/haut/grundlagen/hautalterung-spuren-der-zeit-3760142.html
  10. Proksch E, Schunck M, Zague V, Segger D, Degwert J, Oesser S. ‘Oral Intake of Specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides Reduces Skin Wrinkles and Increases Dermal Matrix Synthesis.’ Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2014;27(3):113-9. doi: 10.1159/000355523. Epub 2013 Dec 24.
  11. Proksch E, Segger D, Degwert J, Schunck M, Zague V, Oesser S. ‘Oral Supplementation of Specific Collagen Peptides Has Beneficial Effects on Human Skin Physiology: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study.’ Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2014;27(1):47-55. doi: 10.1159/000351376. Epub 2013 Aug 14.
  12. Schunck M, Zague V, Oesser S, Proksch E ’Dietary Supplementation with specific collagen peptides has a body mass index-dependent beneficial effect on cellulite morphology’ Journal of Medicinal Food, 2015 Vol. 18, No. 12; 1340-1348;